Saturday, 2 November 2013

Have tried experimenting with my new healthy juicer which was a birthday present from M !!! Tonight's speciality "hard as nails".....containing, 1 raw parsnip, 1 bag of watercress and 3/4 cucumber....mmmmm (ish). Apparently full of potassium and good for me. Came out bright green, but was palatable over ice. Tomorrow am planning to try a ginger zinger! Have bought half of tescos fruit and veg aisle in preparation. Have been getting increased cramps in feet and lower legs and a lot of discomfort in RUQ again. Hair not in good condition, bruising easily, and now have downy facial hair.......oh the joys of steroids. Bloods were done Friday and am due in clinic again Monday so will see how the swap to azathioprine is going. Managed a big dog walk today so am feeling pleased with myself. If I'm honest, I'm really pissed off and fed up with this whole malarky.
 I know I should be grateful and lots of others have far worse things to deal with, but I'm still finding it hard to accept this. It just feels like an endless round of blood tests and hosp appointments with no end in sight. I wish it was something that was just going to get better and I would be able to look back and say I was ill, but now it's over and I'm back to normal. Instead, I'm constantly trying to be positive and fighting the urge to be negative and to stamp my feet and say it's not fair. Feel like a child, somehow, knowing others have far worse to bear is not helping me. Am frightened of not knowing what the future may hold.


  1. Hi penny, just wanted to say hello and let you know I am still enjoying your blog, I too am going through the why me stage at the moment and getting myself really down, it's hard putting on a brave face for others so we can spare them the worry that we are going through, at the moment I am reducing steroids over the next two weeks as they are not working and consultant wants to try me on budesonide, the withdrawal symptoms are really hard as I have been on 40mg off pred for the last ten weeks, so it's been horrendous headaches, soreness, shaking and absolute exhaustion, hopefully it will all be worth it and this new steroid will make a big difference, I need to stop reading so much on forums as that also gets me down ( can't help myself) don't get me wrong it's not all doom and gloom and I do have some really good days, hopefully today will be one off them as there is a family outing arranged for tonight for a meal for my mums birthday, it's a beautiful morning here in sunny Scotland and am going to put a smile on my face and make the most off it, hope you are well x

  2. Hi
    Hope you had a good day and enjoyed the family get sun in Cornwall,just pelting down all day! I have also had terrible headaches whilst reducing the pred/changing to aza, fingers crossed for you with the Budesonide.x
