Saturday, 30 November 2013

For anyone who hasn't lost the will to live yet and who is still interested............feel like s...! Prednisolone was reduced to 7.5mg following last hepatology appt nearly 2wks ago. I was already tired and not making much progress on the stamina its worse. Needing a rest every day, nauseous mid morning for about 1-2 hrs, and appetite reduced. Aches in joints, hair falling out (from head but growing on face..lovely) bruises and capillary breaks all over my body, discomfort in liver (still swollen) and intermittent cramp in feet. Guess this is how its going to be so had better get used to it. Trying to rest as instructed at clinic, but am behind with lots of things and finding this stressful.Getting harder to stay positive. Am beginning to doubt return to work in January. Bloods were done Friday , clinic on Monday.


  1. Hi penny really sorry to hear your having such a hard time, I know that nothing I can say will make you feel any better, this is nearly me at the end off week three on budesonide and I've got myself convinced that it's not working, I had ten days where I felt really good ( nearly normal) but since last Thursday I've noticed things starting to change, I've had a lot off pain and discomfort in both my left and right side, the itching that I had when I was first diagnosed is back and urine is getting darker and darker, I am hoping this is just a wee blip and things will settle down again, I was also looking to return to work in jan but I've not even started on azathioprine yet so I am a bit worried about that, things are a bit off a struggle at the moment with sick pay so not sure what will happen when that stops!!!!!!!!!! Anyway enough about me I really hope things went well for you at the clinic today and things start to brighten up soon x

  2. Hi, poor you, what a dreadful time you're having. Patience is something we are having to learn with this horrible condition isn't it? Every change/mark on skin/excretion etc, we just are obsessed with...........I sooo understand how you feel. Please God things settle for you soon.x
