Tuesday, 25 February 2014

In my wisdom (and impatience) I decided to ring the hosp this afternoon to see if they might know which day I would be going in. Was told (in no uncertain terms by the booking clerk) it would not be this week or next and the Proff had no right to let me believe it would be! There would be no beds for some time, and they were currently making appointments for APRIL!!!! Tried to explain that he was quite specific that he wanted me in this week and was seeing me next week to give results. She was having none of it. Is it just me, or do others have this problem with admin staff in the NHS? Can't fault clinical staff, but have had serious stressful times with appointment booking. Every Monday I'm seen in clinic, they say they want me to be seen the following Monday. Every Monday, I take my slip of paper to the desk after seeing the consultant and ask (as instructed) for an appt the following Monday, and every time, they say we are full, and can't fit you in................stress you don't need when you are trying to cope with illness.

Anyway, after a lengthy discussion that went something like
Me   "April.....I could be dead by then!"
Her  "It doesn't say that on this bit of paper"       we agreed that she would contact the proff to see where we go from here. Withing 1 hour, she rang back, and I have a bed on Thursday after all. The question is, what would have happened if a) I hadn't rung b) I had accepted what she said?
Am shattered and off to bed


  1. Hi penny it's a bloody disgrace, people with a wee bit authority who do they think they are, at the start I had the same problem about getting app but I just explained to the consultant what was happening and she phoned ahead and told them when she wanted to see me and too feel free to over book, that's great though you've got your bed, hopefully things will get moving really quickly now and you will be back on the road to recovery in no time, just hang in there you can do this I've got loads off faith in you, take care and have a sofa day today to get yourself prepared, xxxxxx

    1. Thanks so much, it's nice to know people who understand this are thinking of me x Will try and blog as soon as brain works again!

  2. Hi Penny, When I was first diagnosed the admin staff were great with appointments, I never had to ring to chase anything. Its a different story now I don't know if it is because they have made so many cuts within the admin department and they are under a lot of pressure but like you say its peoples lives they are dealing with. Have you got the hepatology number? I normally just ring them if I have any problems.
    Its a good job you did ring!
    I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I will be thinking of you.
    I agree with the sofa day that's exactly what I am going to do today as well.

    1. Thanks Emma, I do have the hep secretary's number and they are really helpful at sorting things generally, its the out patient booking system thats so difficult, they are not allowed to overbook a clinic without permission from the hep sec, so invariably, I have to ring them the next day, they then ring appts and its sorted. I just object to having to jump through so many hoops as if I have nothing better to do when I'm feeling unwell! Thanks for good wishes xx
