Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Well work was interesting! Only had a few hours sleep last night due to nausea, so started the day feeling like death. My first patient opened her door and announced I looked dreadful, then asked if I should be out and about yet...........cue big smile, lots of lies about being just fine, and on with the assessment. At the second visit, I spent half the time distracted with whether or not I would make it to the end without throwing up. Dreadful weather in Cornwall so horrid drive home. First visit tomorrow is at 10.30 am.......should be looking and feeling great at that time!


  1. Hi penny, I really hope your starting to pick up again and the medication is starting to help, hopefully work has improved for you as the week has went on, am still getting the soreness most days and wearing something with an elasticised waist is a must as it's too uncomfortable otherwise ( Jammies and jiggers are great :-) )! Starting to worry more as the 28th gets closer, really unsure off the medication and the side effects, feeling a bit sorry for myself and a wee bit weepy, on a brighter note I am meeting two friends from work later on for a coffee and a bleather so I will put on my biggest smile and my comfiest joggers and hopefully have a laugh :-), take care xx

    1. Hi, am thinking of you and your admission tomorrow, sending positive vibes, and everything crossed for you. Hope you enjoyed meeting up with your work friends...............elasticated waists and no bras are defenitely the way to go!

  2. Hello, I am so sorry that you are both suffering so badly. Your comment about me being positive made me smile as I really am not! It's just that I was where you are now two and a half years ago and I am proof that it does get better! It is just incredibly slow due to the severe inmflammation of the liver and the effects that has on the whole body and on top of that the medication which all has nasty side effects. The illness does take over your life for a while and I think that is the only way to deal with it. I was told by my consultants to do nothing, just keep my mind active. It was a good 6 months before I could realistically contemplate work and even then I couldn't have done a full day until about a year after diagnosis. Having read articles, particularly the one I mentioned to you recently, I have come to the conclusion that Azathioprine in the right dosages together with a maintenance dose of Prednisolone is the best and most reliable way to remission and no flare ups as long as you listen to your body.The nausea settles as does the hair loss and even with the hair loss, the hair does continue to grow and it does stop falling out. From the first dose of steroids intravenously in hospital ( ALT was nearly 3000, 300mg a day of steroid for 5 days then down to 40mg on leaving hospital) my levels have continued to go down and within a few months all levels were normal and luckily this has continued. As time goes on, I even forget I have got AIH apart from taking the aza once a day and adcal. I still have 3 monthly checks which I find reassuring and I do worry about flare ups when I feel run down etc. I know it is hard but my advice is to rest as much as you can and gradually build up to doing a few things like short walks, any more will make your muscles ache and overdoing it causes that awful fatigue that resembles walking around all day in treacle! That leads to depression and feelings of hopelessness that you will never feel normal again. I know I have said this before but it does stand to reason that the body needs to just recover and adapt to the meds. it sounds like you have a happy life with good people around you together with the countryside. Try and focus on that and the pleasure to be had from small things, rather than trying to run before you can walk! I send you positve and happy thoughts that you will soon start to feel much better. sorry to go on, hope it helps a little. Jo xx
