Thursday, 2 January 2014

Have now been on mycophenolate mofetil since Tuesday morning, and can report feeling HUGELY better!!! New energy, less grey faced and saggy eyes etc. Only noticeable side effect so far is nausea 1-2 hours after each dose. My head feels clearer and I seem more able to get things done without utter exhaustion. I know its early days and I mustn't get too excited, but the signs are all good so far. My gp has signed me back to work on phased return next week, and I saw my manager today who was incredibly supportive and has worked out a manageable plan, starting with just 2 afternoons next week. Bloods again tomorrow and hospital again Monday for results. Maybe a Happy New Year after all.


  1. Hi penny that's great news about the new tablets, you must be feeling like a new woman :-) and getting back to work that must be brilliant back to doing normal things I can't wait until I get there although the way I have felt this last week I don't think it's going to be any time soon ( exhausted, sicky, sore legs, terrible indigestion) hope things go well at the clinic today, look forward to hearing all about it xx

  2. So sorry your still feeling so awful, if it's any consolation, I got carried away with how I felt last week, and have been unwell for the last 3-4 days! Still going to try work tomorrow though x
