Friday, 29 May 2015

I really don't know where to start. I was diagnosed Sept 13, finally lost my dream job in Aug 14, and had been on employment support allowance (£70 per week) from March 2014. This benefit is only paid for a total of 12 months, so was stopped in March this year. When you are put on this benefit due to illness, you are supposed to have a "health assessment" within 13 weeks of starting it. Atos, the company responsible for this, did not do my health assessment until 15th May this year (2 months after the benefit ran out!). This week, I recieved the report from them, that says that I am fit to work, and should start looking for a job straight away. Apparently, the "work coach" at the local job centre will tell me what work I am able to do. Only one problem, I remain signed off as unfit for work.....because obviously (to most people) having a life long chronic disease, that depends on complex medication and monitoring, means I'm not fit to work. I am intrigued to know, what job I can do which will allow me to
1 only turn up on days when I am able to get out of bed
2 let me have a two hour sleep every afternoon
3 let me drink/sit/stand/go to the loo whenever I need to
4 take time off for blood tests weekly, hepatology appts liver biopsies/scans bone scans/ eye hospital appts rhematology appts etc
5 take down phone messages incorrectly (due to brain fog)
6 burst into tears due to pain/frustration/anger at the whole thing
7 rest my oedematous legs whenever I need to?

Any suggestions/offers greatly received.

I shall, of course be requesting a reconsideration, and if still unsuccessful will appeal. The trouble with this condition is, hardly anyone has heard of it, research is limited as so few of us have it. I feel like I am constantly having to justify my situation to complete jobsworths . As if coping /living with it isn't enough, we should not have the added pressure of constantly jusifying it's effects.
I really don't see, why having worked and contibuted for 30 years, I should have to face this indignity.

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