Monday, 26 January 2015

Well, the gp shouldn't have put me on Meloxicam. As I thought, I'm not supposed to have ANY nsaids, and my blood pressure was high. Hepatologist was horrified. All the gp had to do was check with them first, instead, he persuaded me it was safe. I will never take any presciption from the gp again unless they check with the hep team first. So, it's back to paracetamol/codeine or tramadol if I want pain releif, or nothing if I want to stay awake. Liver bloods thankfully still normal and negative for reumatoid arthritis. So the pain is "just the AIH"......thats ok then isn't it?


  1. Hello Penny! I am sorry that I have not been in touch for ages. I have thought of you though and am glad that things are starting to settle down re the AIH. Sorry you are still feeling unwell though. Good that it is not Rheumatoid Arthritis as that is all you need. I had my routine bone scan in Jan and my Osteopenia has got a little worse in 3 years but despite that , I am only on 2x Adcal a day which apart from making my tummy feel a bit gurgle for a while are fine. It maybe worth you asking if you could stop the A acid and change to Adcal to protect you from bone loss while on the Steroids especially as your scan was normal. I think the whole ordeal does have a psychological effect and every ache and pain is assumed to be the AIH when it probably isn't. The steroids gave me joint pain until a few weeks after coming off them completely and tiredness is something I feel I will always have and looking back I was often tired before all this. I think that to some extent I am in the habit of being tired a lot especially in the evening. I am also very busy and quite energetic and 55 so would expect to be tired. Does this help? I think it is natural that you are feeling the way you are but that when your appointments and the medical attention lessens, which it will!, that you will get your confidence back and be able to live a more normal life. As for your GP prescribing that drug!, well that is all you need! I put everything I am prescribed by my GP, by my consultant first as they just don't know enough about the condition. I hope the donkeys and your other animals are doing well and that everyone is well. Are you keeping busy on good days as that will probably help with energy levels. I now work 2 days a week on Tues and We'd and although it is exhausting, the structure is good for me and a year ago, I would never have thought it possible. The Chocolate Shop has recently closed which is a bit sad!! So have faith Penny, keep fighting and enjoy all that's around you and rest when you need to as you have been through so much in the last couple of years. Take care. With love Jo x

  2. Hi Jo, sorry for the delayed response. I've been on adcal since the beginning, and since January I stopped the A Acid (without permission!) as the bone scan was normal. I'm fairly active wth walking and have a high protein/calcium diet, so I'll take my chances without the A Acid. Joint pain continues to be a daily issue, and have now been put on tramadol 3 x a day, but I'm only taking it at bedtime as it makes me too sleepy to be able to drive. I take co codamol in the day and still go to bed most afternoons. My bloods have been normal for nesrly six montyhs, so I think I'm safely in remission now. Would dearly love to be less tired and more pain free, but guess this is how it's going to be. I'm glad things are going well for you and you are managing to work.....shame about the chocolate shop though!!!! Donkeys and all the dogs are fine, looking forward to a mothers day lunch with my Mum and my son on Sunday...always good to have the familiy together xx take care x
